CRISP Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program

Program dates: June 4, 2018 - July 27, 2018

The CRISP Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) as a Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSECrogram. The CRISP REU fellowship program provides students with the opportunity to conduct team-based interdisciplinary materials research through both academic year and summer research opportunities for undergraduate students - academic year REUs are available for students at Yale and SCSU. During the course of this eight-week summer research program, REU Fellows conduct research under the advisement of a university faculty mentor and postdoctoral fellows and graduate students within the research group. The REU experience is based on a very successful collaborative team-based model developed as one of CRISP’s signature programs (MIMER). Specifically, a team of researchers with various academic backgrounds are brought together to research a topic of common interest. These teams make use of shared research/teaching facilities at both Yale and SCSU. These collaborative research groups encourage synergy and foster the formation of mentoring relationships among team members who are recruited broadly with an emphasis on underrepresented populations.

Eligibility - the CRISP REU program is open to highly motivated undergraduate students who have completed their junior year, although consideration is given to underclassmen demonstrating strong potential. Minorities, women and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. US citizenship [or permanent residency] is required.

REU Fellow Selection - the selection of REU participants is based on a personal statement, academic transcript, resume and two letters of recommendation. Selection is based on the candidate’s motivation, promise for success, and the potential for CRISP to positively impact the student’s abilities and interest in obtaining a graduate degree in the sciences; we especially target student’s from smaller undergraduate institutions where state-of-the art research is not readily accessible.

Application Candidates must apply directly to the Yale SURF program through the Leadership Alliance Summer Research-Early Identification Program starting November 01, 2017. Students must also complete the supplementary application for CRISP to indicate interest.The entire application package, including two letters of recommendation and official transcript(s), must be received by February 01, 2018.

Leadership Alliance Summer Research-Early Identification Program Application

CRISP Supplementary Application here

Residential REU program Each REU participant will receive a stipend of $4000 (which includes $1000 for food). This is a residential program and university housing will be provided on the Yale campus.

2018 REU Residential Flyer

Non-Residential REU program Participants live within commuting distance from Yale University and will not receive housing for the duration of the program. Each REU participant will receive a stipend of $4000 (which includes $1000 for travel/parking). These students attend all of the program events, but are responsible for transportation to and from campus.

2018 REU Non-Residential Flyer

CRISP Research Experiences for Teachers program is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant No. DMR-052049

REU 2014

The goal of the CRISP REU program is to offer high-quality, state-of-the-art research experiences, enrichment activities and professional development events to undergraduates. Current research topics range from thin film growth and characterization to friction and manipulation at the atomic level with projects involving computation, simulation, fabrication, characterization and image processing. Materials systems included semiconductors, dielectrics, optical materials and bio-materials.

Program Dates June 2 - July 28, 2014

Application Candidates must apply directly to the Yale SURF program through the Leadership Alliance Summer Research-Early Identification Program starting November 01, 2013. Students must also complete the supplementary application for CRISP to indicate interest.The entire application package, including two letters of recommendation and official transcript(s), must be received by February 01, 2014.

Residential REU program Each REU participant will receive a stipend of $4000 (which includes $1000 for food). This is a residential program and university housing will be provided on the Yale campus.

Non-Residential REU program Participants live within commuting distance from Yale University and will not receive housing for the duration of the program. Each REU participant will receive a stipend of $4000 (which includes $1000 for travel/parking). These students attend all of the program events, but are responsible for transportation to and from campus.

Submit your application Apply Here!

REU 2016

(REU Students 2016: Grace Genszler; Hope McGovern; David Hynek; Sabrine Bensouda; Laura Bancroft; Emile Motta de Castro)

REU 2014

Back row: Robert Polski, Bradley Dice, Jeff Guevera, Benjamin Huber, Christopher Jarvis
Front row: Sydney Corona, Margaret McCarter, Hang Pham, Michael Davis, Peter Litwin

REU 2013

The 2013 REU program was held for eight weeks from June 03 - July 29. CRISP REU fellows participated in the Yale SURF program (through the Leadership Alliance). CRISP REU fellows were immersed in the materials research projects of CRISP working under the advisement of CRISP faculty members and alongside graduate students and post-docs within the research group. Participants in the REU 2013 program:


  • Alexander Bruch (Elon Univ, Chemistry) High finesse cavity for characterizing the optical loss in thin films of barium titanate with Prof. Hong Tang
  • Peter Lowrie, (Furman Univ, Physics) Using X-ray interference patterns to track the growth of silicon oxide layers with Dr. Fred Walker
  • Alexis Morris (Truman State Univ, Chemistry) Description of the behaviors and electron correlation in LaNiO3 and NdNiO3 through first principles theory with Prof. Sohrab Ismail-Beigi
  • Jaylissa Torres (Univ of Puerto Rico at Cayey, Chemistry) Co and Zr oxides / Si (001) epitaxial growth and surface analysis: ultra high vacuum system validation with Prof. Eric Altman


  • Rebecca Betances, (Univ of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez , Chemical Eng) Cellular responses to nanopatterned bulk metallic glasses with Prof. Themis Kyriakides
  • Dorcas Huang (Columbia Univ, Biomedical Eng) Modeling cellular response to nanopatterned bulk metallic glasses with Dr. Jenna Balestrini
  • Hassan Omar (Univ of Maryland at Baltimore, Mechanical Eng) Development of bulk metallic glasses and experimental calibration of blow molding procedures with Prof. Jan Schroers
  • Stephen Vicchio (Univ of Maryland at Baltimore, Chemical Eng) A combinatorial study of the dealloying of Au/Ag/Pd metal alloys for improved fuel cell catalysts with Prof. Andre Taylor


  • Jana Dodson, (Georgetown Univ, Physics & Math) SEM and EDS characterization of bulk metallic glass with Prof. Christine Broadbridge
  • Melissa Kreider (Mass Institute of Technology, Chemical Eng) Synthesis of a dense, high aspect ratio zinc oxide nanowire forest using the PS-PMMA block copolymer with Prof. Chinedum Osuji
  • Alexis Ernst (Southern CT State Univ, Physics) TEM specimen preparation of bulk metallic glasses with Prof. Christine Broadbridge
  • Eric Gossett (Southern CT State Univ, Physics) Computational methods for the characterization of bulk metallic glasses through python scripting with Prof. Todd Schwendemann

Leadership Alliance National Symposium

REU fellows presented their work at the 2013 Leadership Alliance National Symposium, held on July 26-28 in Stamford, CT.

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From right to left: Alex Bruch, Jana Dodson, Dorcas Huang, Alexis Morris, Hassan Omar, Jaylissa Torres, Stephen Vicchio; 
Not pictured: Rebecca Betances, Melissa Kreider, Peter Lowrie

REU 2012

The 2012 REU program was held for eight weeks from June 04 - July 30. CRISP REU fellows participated in the Yale SURF program (through the Leadership Alliance). CRISP REU fellows were immersed in the materials research projects of CRISP working under the advisement of CRISP faculty members and alongside graduate students and post-docs within the research group. 

Participants in the REU 2012 program:

  • Ivan Bekreyev (Univ of Florida, Physics and Electrical Eng) Structure and ordering of nickelate superlattices with Prof. Charles Ahn
  • Mark Davis, (SUNY Lehman, Physics and Math) Imaging monolayer ZrO2 on a Si substrate with Dr. Fred Walker
  • Ben Pollak (Washington State Univ in St. Louis, Physics and Math) Nonpolymorphic phase transitions in bulk metallic glasses with Prof. Corey O’Hern
  • Chris Duncan-Lewis (Univ of Pennsylvania) Cell viability and morphology on nanopatterned bulk metallic glass surfaces with Prof. Themis Kyriakides
  • Brittany Rauzzan, (Allegheny College, Chemistry) Soft nanoimprint lithography using bulk metallic glass for fabrication of polymer-based solar cells with enhanced performance with Prof. Chinedum Osuji
  • Candy Reid (Univ Central Florida, Engineering) Design and fabrication of a high throughput combinatorial electrochemical testing system with Prof. Andre Taylor
  • Madison Calhoun (Carnegie Melon Univ, Chemical Eng) Polyelectrolyte adsorption onto carbon nanotube surfaces under applied potential with Prof. Paul Van Tassel 

We also had a second REU cohort at SCSU comprised of four SCSU students majoring in the Physics program: Mike Conroy, Melissa Cruz, Jennifer DePalma, and Carol Jenkins.

REU 2011

The 2011 REU program was held for eight weeks from June 06 - Aug 01. CRISP REU fellows participated in the Yale SURF Program. CRISP REU fellows were immersed in the materials research projects of CRISP working under the advisement of CRISP faculty members and alongside graduate students and post-docs within the research group. Participants in the REU 2011 program:

REU 2010 participants
  • Doug Ball (Utah State University, Physics)Growth characterization of BaTiO3 oxide-semiconductor heterojunctions with Dr. Fred Walker and Dr. Joe Ngai
  • Victoria Rosborough (Mary Baldwin College, Physics) Photoredox in ferroelectric BaTiO3and BaTiO3/Ge heterostructures with Prof. Eric Altman and Dr. Boris Lukanov
  • Guy Geyer (Wesleyan University, Physics) Fiber taper probe for probing photonic crystal microcavities with Prof. Hong Tang
  • Heather Hawkes (Harvard University, Mechanical and Materials Science & Engineering) The piezoelectric properties of ZnO thin films with Prof. Charles Ahn and Dr. Matthew Marshall
  • Jose Sanchez (University of Puerto Rico, Theoretical Physics) Characterization of the GaN-MgO transistor interface with Dr. Fred Walker and Dr. Divine Kumah
  • Korine Duval (University of Maryland - Baltimore County, Mechanical Engineering)Fabrication of polyelectrolyte complex microcapsules via electrospray with Prof. Chinedum Osuji
  • Olivia Skeen (Angelo State University, Applied Physics) Fabrication of artificial microstructures using bulk metallic glass with Prof. Jan Schroers

Two students from SCSU participated as well. Barbara was a Super-REU, having participated in the 2010 program. Barbara received funding from the NASA-Connecticut Space Grant Consortium.

Summer Research Symposium

We ended the program with our second annual CRISP Summer Research Symposium to showcase our REU students’ work. This year, we held a joint-symposium between CRISP and Yale’s Raymond and Beverly Sackler Institute. Below is a list of the REU student, faculty and post-doc mentors and research project title. Photos from this event are online at Picasa.

Leadership Alliance National Symposium

REU fellows presented their work at the 2011 Leadership Alliance National Symposium, held on July 29-31 in Greenwich, CT.

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From right to left: Guy Geyer, Korine Duval, Jose Sanchez, Olivia Skeen, Victoria Rosbourough; 
Not pictured: Doug Ball, Heather Hawkes

REU 2010

The 2010 REU program was held for eight weeks from June 07 - July 30. During the program, REU fellows were immersed in the materials research projects of CRISP working under the advisement of CRISP faculty members and alongside graduate students and post-docs within the research group. Participants in the REU 2010 program:

  • Katelyn Grey, Southern Connecticut State University [Chemistry]
  • Barbara Benardo, Rohan Harrison and Victor Gonzalez, Southern Connecticut State University [Physics]
  • Divya Krishna, Carnegie Mellon University [Materials Science and Biomedical Engineering]
  • Michael Zilm, University of Connecticut [Materials Science & Engineering]
  • Daniel Brooks, Cornell University [Engineering Physics]

Summer Research Symposium

We ended the program with the first annual CRISP Summer Research Symposium to showcase our REU students’ work. Below is a list of the REU student, faculty mentor(s) and research project title. Photos from this event are online at Picasa.

Professional Development

Seminar Series


Over the course of the program, CRISP members volunteered to give talks to the students about their research and the research of the Center.

Graduate School Forum Several post-docs and graduate students spent time with the REU group to engage in a Q&A session about graduate school.

REU 2009

The 2009 REU program was held for eight weeks from June 01 - July 28. During the program, REU fellows were immersed in the materials research projects of CRISP working under the advisement of CRISP faculty members and alongside graduate students and post-docs within the research group. Participants in the REU 2009 program:

REU 2009 participants

  • Keldrick Taylor, Alabama A&M [Electrical Engineering] SURF Program
  • Max Liu, Duke University [Chemistry] SURF Program
  • Carlos Solano, University of Central Florida [Physics] SURF Program
  • Bethany Niedzielski, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute [Physics]
  • Victor Gonzalez, Daniel Harpin, Rohan Harrison, Southern CT State University [Physics]
  • Divya Krishnamoorthy, Carnegie Mellon [Materials Science & Engineering] NASA Program
  • Ellen Scanley, Southern CT State University [Physics] NASA Program
  • Monica Sawicki, Southern CT State University [Biochemistry]
  • Torrey Levin-Russell, Southern CT State University

Below is a list of the REU student, faculty mentor(s) and research project title.

  • Keldrick Taylor, Daniel Harpin, Dr. Fred Walker – X-ray fluorescence measurements of thin film spectroscopy
  • Max Liu, Prof. Eric Dufresne, Prof. Lynne Regan, Prof. Richard Prum – Isolation and characterization of beta keratins in avian feathers
  • Carlos Solano, Prof. Charles Ahn – AFM study of colossal magnetoresistive oxide film morphology
  • Bethany Niedzielski, Prof. Christine Broadbridge, Maria Gherasimova – Analyzing the surface texture of InGaAs using AFM
  • Torrey Levin-Russell, Prof. Sohrab Ismail-Beigi – Effective mass modeling of the LAO/STO interface
  • Victor Gonzalez, James Dolan (SCSU Physics) – Photoluminescence studies of eagle feathers
  • Rohan Harrison, Monica Sawicki, Prof. Christine Broadbridge – Thin film growth, TEM characterization and computational modeling
  • Divya Krishnamoorthy, John DaPonte (SCSU Computer Science) – Title