Program Dates: July 2- July 27, 2018
The CRISP Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) as a Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) program. The CRISP RET program supports the active involvement of K-12 STEM teachers in materials research in order to bring knowledge of materials science, engineering and technological innovation into their classrooms. The goal of the RET program is to help build long-term collaborative partnerships between K-12 STEM teachers, community college faculty, and the NSF university research community by involving the teachers in engineering research and helping them translate their research experiences and new knowledge of materials science and engineering into classroom activities.
A major objective of the MIMER program is to contribute to the improvement of K-12 science education by providing more qualified, socially diverse teachers, and, teacher-developed curriculum on materials science. The MIMER program embodies the National Science Education Standards, in offering professional development that is heavily based on investigations, where current and future teachers have direct contact with phenomena, gather and interpret data using appropriate technology, and are involved in groups working on real, open-ended problems.
The CRISP RET fellowship is a four week summer research experience funded by NSF and MRSEC for local 8-12th grade and community college STEM teachers. RETs participate on a MIMER research team, in collaboration with the REU program, working closely with CRISP faculty, graduate students and post-docs, REUs and high school students.
Each RET participant will receive a fellowship stipend of $2000. Additional funds may be awarded upon the development of curricular materials. The selection of RET participants is based on a personal statement, resume/CV and one letter of recommendation.
Eligibility - the CRISP RET program is open to local middle school, high school and community college teachers. Minorities, women and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. US citizenship [or permanent residency] is required.
CRISP Research Experiences for Teachers program is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant No. DMR-052049.